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I don’t want to look l ike I have a Twitch channel Episode 38

I don’t want to look l ike I have a Twitch channel

· 01:17:00

Mark echoes a fundamental question: “What are you doing to make yourself more attractive and interesting?”.

  • (00:00) - Hey, you're cute
  • (02:14) - 16 hour fasting
  • (12:02) - What men need to do to date women
  • (24:42) - Physical appearance as branding
  • (35:33) - Physical appearance across genders
  • (43:35) - "You're not as charming as you think you are" pt 1
  • (46:49) - The girl at the Frank Turner gig
  • (01:00:18) - Don't ask yourself "can I do this goal?"
  • (01:07:26) - There is always a new level to play
  • (01:10:44) - Marker
  • (01:14:36) - One line of code at a time

So You've Been Publicly Shamed, by Jon Ronson

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